
Happy Thanksgiving!!! Turkey Nail Art

10:30:00 AM

Gobble, Gobble!  Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!  How are you all going to spend your days??  I will be with my family eating stuffing, stuffing, and well more stuffing.  I'm not one for turkey, in fact, our family will be eating chicken.  For me, it's all about the sides....you know, the millions of carbs haha.  Oh, and of course, the pumpkin pie....how could I forget that??  Since it is the holiday, I had to give myself a festive manicure!

When I sat down, I knew what I wanted to do.  As I am a sucker for a cute animal manicure, I decided I was going to paint little turkeys on my nails!  I started searching Google for ideas and inspiration as to how to actually paint the little guys on my nails.  I first found this manicure from the tumblr Wah-Nails which is seriously amazing.  It was just so cute that I couldn't even handle it.  It was too much though for lil old me to do, and I know there would be NO WAY I could get my nails to look that cute.  I went back to searching and found another idea.  I originally copied a tutorial I saw on Adventures in Acetone, but it turned out awful on my nails.  I didn't angle the feathers enough  and I made my turkeys too big...it was just awful.  So, with one disasticure behind me, I wasn't going to give up....I went in a different direction.

Here's how they came out....

Colors Used:

  • Base
    • Sally Hansen - Golden-I
  • Glitter
    • China Glaze - Glitter Goblin
  • Turkeys
    • Sinful Colors - Nirvana 
    • Sinful Colors - Sugar, Sugar
    • Zoya - Lianne
    • Ulta - Sun Sational
    • Ulta - Chocolate Kiss
    • Sinful Colors - Snow Me White and Black on Black
Oh, how I love my little turkeys!!!  Best part, they were super easy!!!!  With my nail art brush, I painted on the little bodies using Nirvana.  When they were dried, with my brushes and the feather colors, I detailed on the feathers around each of their bodies.  Since the feathers bled a little onto the bodies, I outlined the turkeys in Chocolate Kiss.  Not only did it cover up the messiness, but it made the bodies pop away from the background.  With my dotting tool, I added some googly eyes, followed by a beak with my brush, and they were done!

Originally, I was going to put turkeys on all my nails, but I thought it would be too much.  Since I seem to be purchasing more and more glitters, I figured I need to start using them, despite my fact I hate removing them. I grabbed Sinful Colors Pumpkin Spice, a dupe of Electrify by China Glaze, and painted it no my pointer nail.  Oh boy, it was awful.  Totally did not give my nails a Fall feel like I wanted.  It looked more Christmas-y with the red and gold glitter on the gold backed nail.  I then remembered my bottle of Glitter Goblin.  This is seriously the perfect Fall glitter.  It has bronze/brown glitter flecks mixed with holo pieces.  It's really quite pretty, and in many cases not something I would typically go for.  I bought it from Sally's on impulse due to the holo and definitely didn't think I would like it as much as I have.  Seriously, look at the glitter-y goodness in the blurry pic below.

Pretty, pretty, and really the pictures above kind of darken the glitter more than what it is.  I'm very happy I used it for this manicure, and with I used it more during the Fall months.  I still have some time...right?

What do you think of my lil guys?  Love them, hate them??  What about Glitter Goblin...what are your feelings?? Did you do a Thanksgiving mani?? I'd love to see so you should head on over to my Twitter or Facebook and share them!!! I would love to see!

To everyone out there reading this, I hope you have a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving with your family and friends   Be safe and have a splendid day.  For those of you not celebrating today, just have a fantabulous day! <3

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  1. This is so adorable! I love the glitter :) x

    1. thank you! The glitter definitely made the manicure that much better. So happy I went with it

  2. I LOVE this!!! Your turkeys are freaking adorable!! I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving!! :D

    1. Thank you! <3 and I did have a very nice one! Hope you did too!!

  3. Hi Alaina! I have discovered your blog today and I'm so glad I did! you have a great space here and your nail art is gorgeous! I love your thanksgiving manicure, the turkey is so cute!
    I'm following you now!

    1. Thanks for the follow and the nice words! <3 <3 hope you continue to enjoy what i post in the future!

  4. Replies
    1. isn't he adorable? it was sad when my nail peeled and he went away =(


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