
My First Challenge :)

9:27:00 PM

Hello lovelies!  How are you all today??  I have been kind of missing in action for a while, but it was for a good reason....

Starting Monday, May 14th, I will be starting the 7 Day SNAARKM Challenge with some amazing ladies!!!  The challenge is as follows:

Instead of posts being completed on a daily basis, we have set up the following schedule.
  • Day 1: Jelly Sandwich - Monday, May 14th
  • Day 2: A 'Classic' - Wednesday, May 16th
  • Day 3: Dotting Tool - Friday, May 18th
  • Day 4: Glitter, Rhinestones, and Fimo, Oh My! - Sunday, May 20th
  • Day 5: Your Favorite Effect - Tuesday, May 22nd
  • Day 6: My Forever Mani - Thursday, May 24th
  • Day 7: The Dreaded Water Marble - Saturday, May 26th
The Participants are:
I could not be more excited for this challenge and can't wait to show you all what I have come up with!!!  Thanks to Megan for coming up with the original l 7 ideas and Ryan for the artwork! Hope you enjoy! :).

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  1. Sounds fun! Can't wait to see what you all come up with. This must be the graphic you all were talking about on Twitter! Knowing Ryan all I could think of was some vaguely pornographic graphic about Peeta's baguette!! Hahaha.

    1. bhahahahahahahahahahhahaa yesssssssssssss for vaguely pornographic & Peeta's baguette. Ave (@PolishPixelle) pointed out that this artwork is in fact slightly sexual! it was the only freaking thing i could find for snarkiness on google images. but i do have some awesome pics that will be included in each post for the challenge. I so wish you were doing this challenge with us Nicole!!!!!!! I wish you & Gabi @RubyStein79 were part of it :( except she doesn't have a nail blog. love you tho!


Oh how I love reading all of your comments! I truly appreciate each and every single one!