
Oink Oink :)

8:51:00 PM

Who doesn't love little animals on their nails???  A few months ago I did penguins, and while on pinterest I came across cute giraffes, elephants, and monkeys.  So I thought, why not do little piggies??  This little piggie went to market, right?

The colors I used were:
  • Sinful Colors - Snow Me White (base coat)
  • Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear - VIP Pink (for the piggies heads, this is an adorable princess pink with silver glitter flecks)
  • Sinful Colors - Cream Pink (for the piggies noses and ears)
  • Sinful Colors - Black on Black (for the eyes and nose details)
The ring finger is Cream Pink with the white sinful colors dots.  If I do them again, I probably would skip doing the ring finger.

Hope you enjoy my piggies as much as I did! :)

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